Event in partnership with Latin American institutions to occur on Sept 22, at 6:30 PM
On Sept 22, at 6:30 PM (Brasília time, GMT-3), Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción (Chile), Universidad Marista de Guadalajara (Mexico) and PUCRS, with support from Asociación de Universidades Católicas de América Latina y el Caribe (ODUCAL), will be promoting the webinar Internationalization and post-Covid-19 network opportunities.
Three representatives of Latin American institutions will be discussing internationalization and opportunities for cooperation in the current scenario. The event will be held in Spanish and will be streamed via PUCRS’ YouTube channel. Please sign up here to get a certificate of attendance.
Br. Manuir Mentges, Vice President for Undergraduate Studies and Continuing Education.
Dr. Emma Chaves (Universidad Católica de la Santíssima Concepción, Chile)
Mrs. Hilda Sánchez (Universidad Marista de Guadalajara, Mexico)