Doctoral student to study cultural criminology at Queen Mary University of London

Tiago Lorenzini Cunha does doctoral internship under PUCRS-PrInt

03/01/2020 - 14h02
Photo: Personal archive

Photo: Personal archive

Tiago Lorenzini Cunha, a student in the Graduate Program in Criminal Sciences, is doing a doctoral research internship at Queen Mary University of London, in the UK, on an Institutional Project of Internationalization (PUCRS-PrInt) grant. The student’s research is embraced by the cooperation project The hidden matrix of violence in contemporary times: crisis of otherness, morale and ethics, which is coordinated by Prof. Dr Ruth Maria Chittó Gauer.

In the UK, Lorenzini will be doing research into Cultural Criminology, in an effort to reflect upon Brazilian judicial activism and the practices of other institutional agents as cultural products of late modernity. He will also be doing a number of academic activities at the institution, including his attendance to seminars and events, and other everyday activities at the London Courts. These activities will help him collect enough elements to compare British with Brazilian courts.

“I am sure this experience will change my life in countless ways, and will bring a number of benefits both to the development of my research at Queen Mary University and to my relationship with faculty and colleagues,” he adds.

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