Visit from York University professor advances cooperation with PUCRS

Simone Bohn is a professor from the Department of Political Science

21/05/2024 - 15h59

Photo: Icaro Venzon

On March 11, researcher and professor from York University, in Canada, Simone Bohn, was welcomed by the coordinator of PUCRS’s Office for International Cooperation, Carla Bonan, and my professor from the Graduate Program in Biomedical Gerontology and Social Service, Patricia Krieger Grossi. The goal of the meeting was to strengthen the existing cooperation.

In addition, during the meetings, they discussed projects developed by the Canadian professor with the collaboration of the PUCRS professor, Patricia. Some examples of these projects include the app directed at quilombola women, which promotes social policies and rights, in addition to books that were published jointly, strengthening the development of community leaders in their research.

At the meeting, they also discussed the drafting of two articles that were accepted for the Latin American Studies Association Congress 2024 (LASA), which will take place in Colombia, between June 11 and 15. LASA is the biggest professional association in the world for individuals and institutions involved in the study of Latin America.

Since 2022, PUCRS has an international cooperation agreement with York University. This agreement, in addition to expanding the possibility of faculty and student mobility, strengthens the internationalization of knowledge and qualifies the services aimed at quilombola communities.


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