University of Lugano professor talks about scalable dependability

Fernando Pedone came to PUCRS under PUCRS-PrInt

19/04/2019 - 09h08
Photos: Camila Cunha

Photos: Camila Cunha

On Thursday, Apr 11, the School of Technology welcomed Dr Fernando Pedone, from University of Lugano (USI), Switzerland, to deliver the seminar Scalable Dependability: Whence, Wherefore, and Whither. Pedone is the first visiting professor to come to PUCRS under PUCRS-PrInt and stayed here for two weeks.

Pedone discussed how the highly available and scalable systems are growing in importance in the provision of Internet services. They are in operation most of the time and supporting the growing demand of users. Such qualities are essential in software architectures such as Google, Facebook, Windows Azzure, among others. However, one of the central problems presented was that the mechanisms for high availability typically do not scale to serve a large number of users.

In his talk, Pedone introduced the audience to his service partitioning techniques as well as architectural and performance implications and how they can be used to construct an important class of systems, both scalable and highly available ones. At the end, Pedone addressed academic mobility opportunities in his home institution for Computer Science students in different levels.

Collaboration between PUCRS and USI

During his visit to PUCRS, Pedone also collaborated with Professor Fernando Dotti, who teaches in the Graduate Program in Computer Science (PPGCC), and his research group Dependable Distributed Computing. He mentioned undergraduate and graduate studies that are in progress right now. Pedone and Dotti also worked on a research project, which is jointly funded by Brazil and Switzerland. The project is set to undergo the second and third stages of assessment. The Brazilian leg of the cooperation between PUCRS and USI involves a network of researchers from other institutions, under the coordination of Dr Dotti.

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