Joint doctoral degree brings PUCRS and Chilean University together

Initiative designed to earn Economics Program visibility and increase internationalization

05/06/2019 - 09h12
Adelar Fochezatto and Eduardo Sanguinet with professors from UCN

Adelar Fochezatto and Eduardo Sanguinet with professors from UCN

Earlier in May, the professor of the Business School  Dr Adelar Fochezatto went to Universidad Católica Del Norte (UCN), in Chile, to join the committee for the joint doctoral degree of student Eduardo Rodrigues Sanguinet, the first student to be conferred the diploma by the Graduate Program in Developmental Economics  and UCN. The dissertation entitled Cooperation, International Trade, Agricultural Trade and Development: Essays on Latin America, was advised by Dr Augusto Mussi Alvin, from PUCRS, and Dr Miguel Atienza Úbeda, from UCN.

The international cooperation agreement between PUCRS and UCN was signed in Mar 2019 and is intended to advance the mobility of faculty, researchers and students as well as to implement joint research projects. The joint-degree program will earn Economics students from both Brazil and Chile a double-degree. Once it is approved, students will be awarded the program and be entitled to two diplomas, from each institution.

The creation of companies in Rio Grande do Sul

Photo: UCN

Photo: UCN

In his visit to the Chilean institution, Fochezatto also delivered the lecture Determinants of the birth of companies in Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) in the period 2007-2013: A model of spatial panel data. He discussed the factors associated with the creation of new companies in Rio Grande do Sul.

The presentation was mostly intended to make sure whether a higher level of qualification for staff, in different areas within a company’s organizational chart, such as “sciences and arts professionals”, “directors and managers”, “staff at the lower end of a company chart” has a correlation with the establishment of companies in the cities of the state.


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