
Advanced Topics in Develoment Economics and the Environment
COD Workload Description
194E3-02 30 The complexity of the relationship between development and the environment; circular economy; environmental values; understanding and opinion of the citizens about climate change; ecosystem services and sustainability; inequality and environmental pressure; poverty and environment; climate change.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Agribusiness and Innovation
COD Workload Description
194DF-02 30 Systemic approach of agro-industrial chains. Filiére, agro-industrial complexes, agro-industrial production chains, clusters, agro-industrial systems, supply chain, alliances, and networks. Innovation and competitiveness. Institutional, competitive, and organizational factors and mechanisms associated with innovation and technological development in agro-industry. Characteristics and dynamics of innovation in agro-industrial chains.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Brazilian economy
COD Workload Description
194DR-02 30 An overview of the main periods of contemporary economic history in Brazil. Synthesis of economic thought and evolution of the Brazilian economic situation in the period 1990 to 2020.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Computable General Equilibrium – Technicals and Models
COD Workload Description
194DT-02 30 General Equilibrium Theory; Social Accounting Matrix; Input Output Matrix; Regional Social Accounting Matrix; Regional Input Output Matrix; Computable General Equilibrium Model; Parameters in General Equilibrium Models; Applied Softwares; Applications in Intenational Economics Studies; Empirical Applications in national economies; Empirical Applications in Regional Economy.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Development and Environment
COD Workload Description
52515-03 45 To follow is a list of topics this course will address: A discussion on growth, development and environment; The extent of the scope of economic activities; Private spaces versus public spaces and conflicts of use; Economics and discussion on nature and natural resources under different approaches; Environmental Economics, Ecological Economics, Institutional Economics, Proximity Economics, Economics of Functionality; Several implications of environmental issues (production patterns, consumption, commerce, innovation, research, energy, etc.).
Professors Home time Lattes
OSMAR TOMAZ DE SOUZA 17 years and 11 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Ecology and Evolution of Biodiversity Master's Not required
Ecology and Evolution of Biodiversity Doctorate Not required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Ecology and Conservation This line of research encompasses projects focusing on ecological relationships among organisms and with their environment, including studies of autecology, ecophysiology, behavior, population dynamics and community ecology, as well as projects aiming to provide scientific bases for biodiversity conservation strategies.
Systematics and Evolution The research line brings together projects related to the evolution of biodiversity, including studies in phylogenetic systematics (using morphological and molecular data, including phylogenomics), taxonomy, comparative morphology, biogeography, evolutionary genetics, and comparative genomics.
The research line brings together projects focused on the use of large amounts of information ('big data') and the development of innovative data mining and analysis methodologies (e.g., employing machine learning) to investigate issues related to the characterization, monitoring, and conservation of biodiversity
The research line encompasses projects aimed at applying ecological data, biodiversity component analyses, and/or interdisciplinary studies to solve problems with more direct socio-environmental and/or economic impact. This includes studies in the fields of ecotoxicology and environmental microbiology with a focus on the characterization, monitoring, and mitigation of environmental impacts, as well as the development of more sustainable agricultural methods using components of Brazil's native biodiversity. It also includes projects aimed at developing innovative products from biodiversity sources and/or integrating biodiversity analyses into regional economic development models with a focus on environmental sustainability.
Digital Entrepreneurship - Transforming Knowledge into Development
COD Workload Description
1946U-02 30 This course aims to present the main concepts associated with digital entrepreneurship and the transformation of scientific knowledge in development for society. The following points will be addressed: Entrepreneurship, startups, business model, lean startup, minimum viable product, and real cases of transforming scientific knowledge into innovation and development through entrepreneurship.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Strategic Management Master's Not required
Strategic Management Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Strategy, Organizations and Society The research line Strategy, Organizations and Society investigates complex phenomena related to the organizations of the First (Government), Second (Private Companies) and Third (NGO) Sectors, seeking to contribute to its competitiveness and sustainability, as well as to local development, be it social, environmental or economic. The main areas of knowledge studied in the line are: 1) corporate sustainability, 2) innovation and entrepreneurship, 3) technology, projects and knowledge, and 4) government and society.
COD Workload Description
194ED-03 45 Ordinary Least Square estimators (OLS); Estimators of maximum likelihood (MV); Asymptotic properties of estimators; Hypothesis tests; Estimation and statistical inference; Choice of functional forms; Interpretation and comparison of regression models; Generalized Least Squares (GLS): autocorrelation, heteroscedasticity; Multicolinearity; Simultaneous equations and instrumental variables; Dummy variables; Binary response variables (Logit, Probit). Economic models applied to R Studio.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Econometrics I
COD Workload Description
52517-03 45 To follow is a list of topics this course will address: An overview of statistics and matrix algebra; Ordinary least squares (models of simple and multiple regression); Estimation and inferential statistics; Choosing functional forms; Interpretation and comparison of regression models; - Multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity; Using binary variables (Dummy, Logit and Probit).
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Econometrics II
COD Workload Description
194DN-02 30 ARIMA models and multivariate models; non-stationary time series, unit root tests, cointegration, and structural change. Error-Correction Model (ECM); Vector Autoregression (VAR), Vector Error Correction (VEC) and Johansen test for cointegration; impulse-response functions and causality tests. Arch and Garch models and extensions.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Econometrics III
COD Workload Description
42514-03 45 To follow is a list of topics this course will address: Definition, concepts and applications of panel data models. - Advantages and disadvantages of the utilization of these models; - Specifications; - Fixed and Random Effects Models; - Estimation, examples and applications of data panels; - Static and dynamic panel data.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Economic Development
COD Workload Description
52531-03 45 Development and underdevelopment (concept and indicators of development, the structure of an underdeveloped economy and development restrictions); - Development according to major economists (Classical and neo-classical approaches, Karl Marx and capitalist crises, the approach to effective demand theory); Schumpeter's view of development (circular flow, innovations, businessmen and credit, derivative development theory, Neo-Schumpeterian approaches).
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Economic Development II
COD Workload Description
194DK-02 30 To follow are the topics this course will address: Industrial complexes and innovation networks; Agriculture and economic development; Rent-seeking, corruption, governance and economic development; Evolutionary theory and institutional approach; Deindustrialization and foreign trade; Economic development funding; Recent approaches to economic development theory.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Economics Research Projects
COD Workload Description
194E5-02 30 The idea of this course is to provide students with insights into the methods of research in economics, thus equipping them with the necessary tools to conduct research and, most importantly, design their thesis or dissertation. Topics such as the significance of a scientific paper, its structure and stages, will be addressed, thus enabling students to learn to think and write scientifically.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Economics Seminar
COD Workload Description
194G7-02 30 Discussion of Applied Research in Economic Sciences. Rhetoric and Debate in Economics. Production of scientific knowledge in Economics. Analytical, quantitative and historical methodologies in economics. Scientific Writing and Argumentation.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Economics of education
COD Workload Description
194E1-02 30 The Economics of Education discipline aims to employ economic instruments to address the problems raised by Education, both from the point of view of the individual decision maker and from the point of view of the public policy planner. The economy focuses on the incentives created by politics, allowing us to predict the intentional consequences or not their intentions. The course investigates issues related to education combining economic theory and empirical literature.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
COD Workload Description
194EC-01 15 Definición y conceptos clave de la Globalización. Historia y dimensiones. Pros y contras. Implicaciones de la globalización y efectos regionales. Globalización: migración involuntaria a gran escala.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
International Economics
COD Workload Description
194DS-02 30 To follow are the topics this course will address: Classical International Trade Theory; Ricardian economics - international trade and comparative advantages; International trade model with two production factors; The Heckscher-Ohlin model; New international trade theory; Variety, increasing returns to scale and international trade; Empirical application - the gravitational model.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Macroeconomics I
COD Workload Description
52520-03 45 This course will look at the scope of development macroeconomics (Agénor and Montiel, chapter 1); Monetarism, structuralism and developing economics; Economic structure and macroeconomics; II - Aggregate accounts and budgetary restrictions of economic agents (Agénor, chapter 8); Production, income and expenses; Social accounting matrix; National income identities; Budgetary restrictions; Macroeconomic models; III - Structure of production in open economies (Agénor and Montiel, pages 63-99), Mundell-Fleming Model; Dependent economy model?; Three goods model; Job market structure; Financial markets structure; IV - Consumption, savings and investment (Agénor, chapter 1); Consumption: the Keynesian approach, the permanent income hypothesis, the Life-cycle hypothesis, other determining factors; Investment: the flexible accelerator, capital cost, uncertainty and irreversible processes, other determining factors. V - The financial system, currency demand and monetary policy (Agénor, chapter 2); The financial system; Direct and indirect instruments of monetary policy; Credit rationing; Currency demand. VI - Fiscal deficit, public debt and checking accounts (Agénor, chapter 3) Structure of public finances; Government's budgetary restriction; Fiscal policy; Fiscal imbalance and external deficit; Consistency, sustainability and solvency restriction; Public debt and austerity. VII - Exchange rate management and the external sector (Ágenor, chapter 4); The nature of exchange rate regimes; Exchange policy credibility; Exchange rates, competitiveness and the commercial balance; Devaluation and products with imported inputs.
Professors Home time Lattes
GUSTAVO INACIO DE MORAES 13 years and 11 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Required
Economic Development Doctorate Required
Local Economics Master's Required
Local Economics Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Macroeconomics II
COD Workload Description
194DU-02 30 To follow is a list of topics this course will address: Macroeconomic relationships and market structure; Family behavior: consumption and savings (Keynesian approach and intertemporal approach: life cycle and permanent income; the behavior of families under conditions of uncertainty); Family behavior: currency demand; Company behavior: production and investment techniques; The public sector; The economy's external sector (exchange rate regimes; payment balances; variation of international reserves; macroeconomic functionality; capital mobility; external balance and imbalance); and Short-term macroeconomic policies (fiscal; monetary; exchange rate; commercial; a combination of policies).
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Macroeconomics III
COD Workload Description
194DV-02 30 To follow is a list of topics this course will address: Macroeconomics and Economic Development; Macroeconomic consistency matrix; Macroeconomic model for developing economies; Dynamics of macroeconomic adjustment and growth; Fiscal policy and Public Debt Sustainability; Monetary policy, inflation and economic growth; Unemployment.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Mathematical economics
COD Workload Description
194E4-03 45 To follow are the topics this course will address: Linear equation systems; Gauss-Jordan reduction; Matrices and determinants; Rank; Vector algebra; Linear independence; Differential Equations; Derivatives; Gradients; Implicit functions; Quadratic forms and defined matrices; Non conditioned optimization; Conditioned optimization.
Professors Home time Lattes
ADALMIR ANTONIO MARQUETTI 32 years and 6 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Microeconomics I
COD Workload Description
52516-03 45 This course will address the view of partial balance of traditional microeconomics and topics on alternative approaches. 1. Consumer Theory, Preferences, Effects, Income and Substitution; Demand curve; 2. Theory of the Firm, Production, Costs, Short and long term offers, Alternative approaches to firms; 3. Market structures; 3.1. Perfect competition, Assumptions, Short and long term balance, Impact of taxes and price control policies; 3.2 Monopoly, Assumptions, Short and long term balance, Power of monopoly, Price discrimination, Deadweight loss and efficiency, Contestable markets; 3.3 Monopolistic competition, Assumptions, Short and long term balance, Efficiency, Chamberlin's Model; 3.4 Oligopoly, concepts and assumptions, Duopoly, Cartel and price leadership, Markup price formation, Factors of production price formation, Oligopoly and Game Theory, Oligopoly and technical progress; 4. Microeconomics and Industrial organization
Professors Home time Lattes
ELY JOSE DE MATTOS 14 years and 6 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Required
Economic Development Doctorate Required
Local Economics Master's Required
Local Economics Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Microeconomics II
COD Workload Description
194DX-02 30 To follow is a list of topics this course will address: market structures: competitive markets, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly; Uncertainty: expected utility and risk aversion; Game Theory: Nash equilibrium, repetitive games and sequential games; The economics of well-being: well-being functions and optimal tax; Public goods.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Microeconomics III
COD Workload Description
194DY-02 30 To follow is a list of topics this course will address: Scope of methodology of heterodox microeconomics; Structural organization of economic activities; Business companies: the nature of business companies, structure of production, costs and prices; The market and business companies: structure of market demand and market prices.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
COD Workload Description
194E6-02 30 To follow are the topics this course will address: Causal relations; measurement errors and omitted variables; MQO in two stages; Seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR); linear models for panel data: random and fixed effects, first differences, LSDV; GMM; Discrete choice models; Tobit model; sample selection: Heckman correction; Pseudo-panels: coortes, time and age; duration models: risk functions.
Professors Home time Lattes
MARCO TULIO ANICETO FRANCA 11 years and 11 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Monitoring and evaluation of public policies
COD Workload Description
194DZ-02 30 Main concepts, instruments and types of monitoring. The importance of monitoring in the public policy cycle. The indicator system as a tool for monitoring public policies. Monitoring processes based on the structuring of the logical model. Differences between monitoring and evaluation. Counterfactual identification. Experimental and quasi-experimental methodologies.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Multivariate Analysis
COD Workload Description
194DH-02 30 Matrix Algebra. Matrices, Vectors, and Scalars. Multivariate descriptive statistics. Multivariate Normal Distribution. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA). Multivariate hypothesis tests. Confidence regions. Discriminant Analysis. Canonical correlation. Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Factor Analysis. Cluster Analysis. Multidimensional Scaling.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Panel Data Econometrics
COD Workload Description
194EF-03 45 To follow is a list of topics this course will address: Definition, concepts and applications of panel data models. - Advantages and disadvantages of the utilization of these models; - Specifications; - Fixed and Random Effects Models; - Estimation, examples and applications of data panels; - Static and dynamic panel data.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Required
Research line Description
PhD Research Seminars in Development Economics
COD Workload Description
194G6-01 15 The seminars consist of presentations and debate of advanced research results on topics directly linked to the PPGE's research fields. In these seminars, graduate students should participate in discussions on the topics presented, formulating questions and proposing improvements.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Poverty and human development
COD Workload Description
194E2-02 30 Conceptual aspects of poverty (absolute, relative, one-dimensional, multidimensional, objective and subjective poverty). Poverty measurement challenges. Analysis of empirical literature, experiences and policies to tackle poverty. The origin and meaning of the Human Development Approach. Human development methodology and problems. Criticisms and advances in human development indicators.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Poverty and human development
COD Workload Description
72510-03 45 To follow are the topics this course will address: Origin and meaning of the Human Development Approach; Measurement; Methodology and problems faced; Critique and advances to existing development indicators; Conceptual aspects of poverty (absolute, relative, unidimensional, multi-dimensional, objective and subjective); Difficulties in measuring poverty; Analysis of political and investigative experiences for challenging poverty.
Professors Home time Lattes
IZETE PENGO BAGOLIN 18 years and 11 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Ethics and Political Philosophy Master's Not required
Ethics and Political Philosophy Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
The State and Theories of Justice This line of research addresses the theoretical and pragmatic aspects of the theories of justice from scholars such as Immanuel Kant, John Rawls and Jürgen Habermas, as well as their different critical and alternative views in communitarian and utilitarian theories.
Ethics Principles This line of research addresses the central issues of Ethics as they have been conceived over time and under the systematic aspect, in view of scholars such as Plato, Aristotle, Kant and others. The relationship between practical and theoretical reason is a central area.
Preparation and Evaluation of Rural Development Projects
COD Workload Description
194LA-02 30 Taxonomy of development projects. Public and private actors in project formulation. Components of rural development projects. Project benefits and costs. Economic evaluation of projects. Analysis of risk, efficiency and uncertainty. Types of project evaluation.
Professors Home time Lattes
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Qualitative Social Research: approaches, methods and applications
COD Workload Description
194HR-02 30 The subject aims to introduce the basics of qualitative social research through three major themes: 1) the main approaches that underpin qualitative social research, 2) the main methods and examples of their application and 3) their use and usefulness in academic research, specifically, and in the world of work, in general. From theory to practice, students are invited to develop and practice a scientific and professional perspective on the topics of their interest.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Regional Analysis Methods
COD Workload Description
194E7-02 30 To follow is a list of topics this course will address: Economic and stochastic models; Structural-differential method: regional structure and competitiveness; Specialization and localization measures; Regional indicators and inter-regional inequalities; Input-product analysis and inter-regional analysis; Analysis of industrial complexes.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Regional Analysis Methods
COD Workload Description
194HS-02 30 To follow is a list of topics this course will address: Value chains; Value dimensions (Creation, transfer and capture of value); Analysis units (company, product, service, and integrated links); Methodological approaches to value chains (qualitative, quantitative); Business decision-making (Linkages (producers to markets, Economic-financial management of the value chain, Links, integration and value addition); Value generated, transfer and development; Additional topics: Inclusive value chains, Socio-environmental sustainability, Development territorial and local, public policies and strategies for the generation of local value)
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Regional Development
COD Workload Description
194DL-02 30 Myrdal Circular Causality Theory; Hirschman Chain Theory; Globalization, global chains and regional development; Spatial agglomeration and regional development; Human capital, creativity and regional development; Cities and regional development; Regional inequalities; Regional resilience; regional development policies.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Regional Economics Seminars – REAL
COD Workload Description
1946X-01 15 Seminars are effective learning experiences to students. Specifically, the Regional Economics seminars are organize by REAL and PUCRS professors with the participation of international researchers, PhD and Master students, discussing about regional economics and related subjects.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Regional Input-Output Analysis Workshop
COD Workload Description
194EG-02 30 • Production structure and regional economic outputs • Base Economic Model • National input-output model • Regional input-output model • Multipliers and intersectoral to interregional linkages • Hypothetical extraction • Structural decomposition • Applications: value-added trade flows, models with environmental extension
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Regional and Urban Economics
COD Workload Description
194DM-02 30 Location of economic activities; Agglomeration; Spatial distribution of economic activity; Regional economy; Urban economy; Labor market and migrations; Economic Geography; New Economic Geography; Regional growth models.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Research Methodology
COD Workload Description
725GH-02 30 The course presents the methodological basis for research in the area of administration, discussing: delineations and approaches of research in the area, research problems, data collection techniques, sampling, literature review and theoretical contributions.
Professors Home time Lattes
MIRIAN OLIVEIRA 25 years and 5 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Strategic Management Master's Required
Strategic Management Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Strategy, Organizations and Society The research line Strategy, Organizations and Society investigates complex phenomena related to the organizations of the First (Government), Second (Private Companies) and Third (NGO) Sectors, seeking to contribute to its competitiveness and sustainability, as well as to local development, be it social, environmental or economic. The main areas of knowledge studied in the line are: 1) corporate sustainability, 2) innovation and entrepreneurship, 3) technology, projects and knowledge, and 4) government and society.
Spatial Econometrics
COD Workload Description
194DP-02 30 Databases, statistics and regional indicators; Computer programs for spatial analysis; Regional analysis methods; Exploratory analysis of spatial data (AEDE); Models of spatial econometrics; Spatial logit model; Spatial panel model; Geographically weighted econometrics model (GWR).
Professors Home time Lattes
ADELAR FOCHEZATTO 31 years and 6 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Time Series Econometrics
COD Workload Description
194EE-02 30 ARIMA models and multivariate models; non-stationary time series, unit root tests, cointegration, and structural change. Error-Correction Model (ECM); Vector Autoregression (VAR), Vector Error Correction (VEC) and Johansen test for cointegration; impulse-response functions and causality tests. Arch and Garch models and extensions.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
COD Workload Description
194M3-02 30
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
COD Workload Description
194EA-01 15
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Economic Development Master's Not required
Economic Development Doctorate Not required
Local Economics Master's Not required
Local Economics Doctorate Not required
Research line Description