Economics Sciences: Economy

Management with ethics and creativity 

The course has the curriculum made to transform you into a high-performance leader, with abilities e skills for the business and the colaborators could grow up. It could be as a consulting, being part of small, medium and large business or entrepernership.

Here are some activities you can do:

  • Be a leard in the coordination of teams 
  • Antecipats trends, lead changes, formulate management strategies and policies 
  • Dealing with the technical and behavioral aspects involved in people management 
  • Apply people management policies and practices and their implications for the behavior, performance and health of teams 
1 1514E-02 Social Development
2510I-04 Personal Finance
2510Y-02 General Economic History
25186-04 History of Economic Thought
2511A-04 Introduction to Economics
4115V-04 Mathematics for Economics
2 25193-04 Contemporary Political Economy
25196-04 Quantitative Economics
15090-04 Philosophy and General Ethics
25168-04 Economic Development of Brazil
25194-04 Economic Indicators and Social Accounting
3 2531L-04 Management Accounting
2513Q-04 Financial Economics
4120H-04 Economic Statistics
2515E-04 Macroeconomic Fundamentals
2511Q-04 Microeconomics of Consumers and Firms
4 2513Y-12 Elective Courses
2514G-04 Econometrics
2541Q-04 Corporate Finance
2511Z-04 Microeconomics of Markets
25172-04 Macroeconomic Theory and Policy
5 2512P-04 Economic Development
2512I-04 Time Series Econometrics
2513M-04 Economy of Brazil
2511L-04 Monetary Economics
2512Q-04 Urban and Regional Economics
6 24368-04 Economic and Financial Law
25162-04 Industrial Economics
2514M-04 International Economics
2513G-04 Economics Research Methodology
7 2513H-04 Financial Asset Allocation
2513L-02 International Finance Economics
2513K-02 Agribusiness Economics
2513I-04 Public Sector Economics
11521-04 Humanism and Religious Culture
2513J-04 Professional Practice in Economic Evaluation of Projects
2514T-04 Thesis I (240 Hours)
8 2513X-00 Complementary Activities (120 Hours)
2514Z-04 Sustainability Economics
2513U-04 Economics, Law and Institutions
2513S-04 Professional Practice in Analysis of Conjuncture and Economic Scenarios
2513T-04 Contemporary Topics in Economics
2514Y-04 Thesis II (240 Hours)