Business School student joins Nobel Prize meeting

Paulo Henrique Hoeckel has been selected for the 6th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences

16/06/2017 - 10h51
4th Lindau Meeting on economic sciences, 2011 - Plenary Panel Discussion

2011 Plenary Panel Discussion

Once a year, around 20 winners of Nobel Prizes in Economic Sciences get together in Lindau, Germany, to meet with the next generation of scientists. In 2017, PhD student in Development Economics, of PUCRS’ Business School, Paulo Henrique Hoeckel will be joining around 400 students selected from all over the world. The 6th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences will be held from Aug 22-26, making room for exchanges of economic expertise and inspiring intercultural and intergenerational exchanges among the young participants.

At every Lindau Meeting, over a thousand candidates join the selection whose requirements include letters of recommendations, proficiency exams and scientific production. The candidates’ academic career goes under scrutiny and the highly qualified ones, based on the criteria of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings Assessment Board, will be given the chance to join the meeting, which includes conferences, roundtables and discussion sessions. “I applied to be an orator in one of the discussion sessions as I will present my research paper to Nobel Prize winners, who will then discuss it. The result must be out soon”, says Hoeckel.

Paulo Henrique Hoeckel at University of LisbonHoeckel, 28, is working on his Doctorate, on a Capes grant, and is expected to spend eight months at the University of Lisbon, as part of his coursework. He is expected to return to Brazil in the beginning of December. His doctoral research addresses the implications of the demand and supply of ethanol, focusing on price behavior and interactions with agricultural markets. The dissertation is expected to be defended by Mar 2018.

According to Hoeckel, both his academic career and PUCRS will benefit greatly from his work with researchers who are a reference in several sub-areas of Economic Sciences. “I hope these discussions can bring us ideas and relevant contributions for future research intended to address the current demands and latent issues of Brazil”, comments he.

According to Hoeckel, the opportunity to join the Nobel Prize meeting is the result of his dedication, support and expertise. “It will be such an honor to represent PUCRS and everyone who is part of it. I have received such a warm welcome since the day I got here and because it is such an excellent environment, I was able to grow and bring my academic training to another level. I want to thank the University, represented by its President Br. Evilázio Teixeira, my advisor, professor Augusto Mussi Alvim, as well as the other professors and peers from the Graduate Program in Economics”, says he.


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